World Ocean Day

On the 8th of June we acknowledged World Oceans Day. People around our blue planet celebrate and honor the ocean, which connects us all. Testa is proud to have sponsored the Sea the Future event of the Sea First Foundation last Sunday in ‘s Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands!


There are several global initiatives that deal with marine pollution and provide solutions to the problem of « plastic soup ». Japanese researchers recently discovered a microorganism that literally eats plastic. The bacterium, now called Ideonella sakaiensis, has been shown to degrade polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is a common plastic in bottles and containers.

Planet or Plastic?

This is the name of the multi-year initiative of National Geographic. It draws attention to the global plastic problem and at the same time wants to reduce the share of disposable plastic entering the oceans. National Geographic celebrates World Environment Day and World Oceans Day with a full week of activities that highlight the need to reduce plastic pollution and improve the health of the ocean.

Want to see what you can do to contribute and give back? Check :


This website also provides facts about the real magnitude of the problem and why plastics in our oceans are such a problem.

Elaborate information can be found at:


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