22 year old Dutch has a plan to rid the world’s oceans of plastic and raised $31, 5 million to make it happen

At Testa it is our mission to change the Omega-3 industry and replace all fish oil with algae oil. By thinking differently and using smart technology, we are able to offer people a better Omega-3 product à¡nd maintain fish stocks, so our oceans can become healthy again.  


Fortunately we are not the only ones who want to create change. We often run into inspiring people and initiatives who share our mission to restore the oceans by thinking differently. Such as  marine biologist David Vaughan or former fisherman Bren Smith mentioned in our previous newsletters.

The story of Boyan Slat (22)

Today we want to share Dutch inventor, entrepreneur and Aerospace Engineering student drop-out Boyan Slat’s story with you. In 2013, when Boyan was 18 years old, he founded The Ocean Cleanupwhich develops advanced technologies to rid the world’s oceans of plastic.  Since the foundation he won multiple awards and has received over $31.5 million in donations from, amongst others, entrepreneur and philanthropist Peter Thiel, next to Elon Musk one of the founders of Paypal.

Watch Boyan’s extraordinary story and find out how it all began here:

Always fresh omega-3? Subscribe!

Omega-3 is good for your heart, brain and eyes. To get to your daily recommended amount without any worries, you take out a subscription. This way you can be sure that you always take fresh algae oil. Go to the shop and choose the quantity and frequency that suits you. Of course you can also order separately.

Eating fewer or no animal products? Make sure you don’t miss out on these 5 nutrients

Signs & Symptoms of Omega-3 Deficiency