Is Vegan Omega-3 As Good as Fish Oil?

Youve probably been told at some point in your life that you should be taking an omega-3 supplement, regardless of what type of diet you follow. 

And yes, there is some merit behind that. Omega-3 fatty acids have been studied more than almost any other nutrient out there, and these studies have shown that omega-3s have heaps of health benefits for your heart, eyes, and brain.

So now you might be asking yourself, Are vegan omega-3 supplements as good as fish oil supplements?” 

Read on to find out! 

What Are Vegan Omega-3s? 

The most well-known sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fatty fish, like salmon and tuna, or fish oil supplements. Whether youre a vegan or a fish-eater, omega-3s can be tricky to get into your diet. And if youre vegan, you may think you dont have many options at all. 

The good news is, these days vegan omega-3 supplements, made from algae, are giving fish oils a run for their money. Keep reading to find out why! 

Types of Vegan Omega-3s

The three main omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). 

ALA is an organic compound that acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. It can also aid in healthy weight loss. Your body can produce ALA naturally, but its also found in a variety of foods such as chia seeds, flaxseed, and walnuts. 

DHA and EPA can improve cardiovascular health. Both these omega-3s help your heart to stay healthy and strong by promoting anticoagulation and healthy inflammation. They also significantly decrease the risk of a dangerous cardiac event such as a heart attack or stroke. 

Vegan Omega-3 Sources

With a variety of plant-based sources, like walnuts and chia seeds, ALA is relatively easy to obtain on a vegan diet. Your body can convert ALA into DHA & EPA, however, it isnt an efficient process, making it important for you to get both these fatty acids from external dietary sources.

Pre-formed DHA and EPA, meaning those that arent converted from ALA, can be found in algae. This makes vegan algae oil supplements an excellent way for vegans to incorporate healthy omega-3 fatty acids into their diet.

Health organizations such as the European Food Safety Authority and the United States Department of Agriculture suggest a daily combined minimum of 250-500 mg for healthy adults.  

What is Fish Oil? 

Fish oil is a good source of pre-formed DHA and EPA, but sadly our oceans are full of contaminants like PCBs (industrial chemicals dumped into the water), dioxins (think herbicides and bleach) and heavy metals like mercury and lead. This means fish oil derived from fish, even supposedly clean” farm-raised fish, have to undergo multiple energy-intensive processes to remove impurities and toxins.

There are two types of omega-3 supplements made using marine animals. 

Fish Oil

Made from fatty fish like anchovies and salmon, fish oil is a popular dietary supplement. One standard 1000 mg fish oil capsule provides around 300 mg of omega-3s. With their high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil pills help with cardiovascular health and improve brain function. 

Krill Oil

A little less known than fish oil, krill oil is made from tiny Antarctic crustaceans. Like fish oil, krill oil is rich in DHA and EPA so it offers similar health benefits. However, because the fatty acids in fish oil are different than phospholipids in krill oil, it is believed the body may more effectively absorb the nutrients from krill oil. Krill oil also contains astaxanthin, an antioxidant not found in standard fish oil, which strengthens the immune system and prevents free-radical cell damage. 

One capsule of krill oil can range anywhere from 45 mg to 200 mg in omega-3 content. 

Algae Oil vs. Fish Oil

So, between algae oil and fish oil, which is cleaner, more effective, and contains fewer side effects? The answer is algae oil. And heres why….

Cut Out the Middleman

You know how you always thought seaweed had a strong fishy taste? Its actually fish that taste like seaweed because thats what they eat! Fish are a great source of fatty acids because algae is rich in omega-3s. But while fish oils are heavily processed in order to clean out all those harmful contaminants, algae oil is virtually unpolluted. So why not go straight to the source and just get all your omega-3 needs from algae?

Far Fewer Heavy Metals and Toxins

Algae oil supplements, like Testa plant based Omega-3 Algae Oil DHA supplements, are made from algae grown in carefully controlled environments such as eco-friendly vertical farms. Because the algae are grown in regulated conditions away from oceans or ponds, algae oil supplements are free of contaminants like mercury, harmful wild algal strains, and industrial waste. 

More Omega-3s Than Fish Oil? 

Fish typically contains a slightly higher concentration of omega-3s than algae oil. The good news is, at Testa, we make sure each capsule of Omega-3 DHA & EPA Algae Oil is packed with a higher concentration of omega-3s than most popular fish oil supplements. One Testa algae oil capsule contains 535 mg (325 DHA, 150 EPA, 35 DPA) of omega-3s, which is more than enough, and will help you to maintain optimal levels. Still, if you are deficient, you may require multiple softgels a day to increase your omega-3 index.

Testas patented Vrill Oil also contains more phospholipids, more vegan DHA and EPA, more astaxanthin, and fewer contaminants than krill oil. 


When it comes to choosing between processed fish oil supplements or contaminant-free algae oil, the healthy choice should be pretty obvious by now. Algae oil wins every time! Take a look at the amazing products Testa has to offer and find the supplement that fits your needs perfectly. 

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Thanks for reading and stay healthy!

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