Testa Omega 3 is registered by The Vegan Society

In 1944 The Vegan Society created the word ‘vegan’ – The Vegan Society Trademark is the authentic international vegan standard.


Today, products must pass the following criteria to be eligible for registration:


Animal Ingredients

The manufacture and/or development of the product, and where applicable its ingredients, must not involve, or have involved, the use of any animal product, by-product or derivative.

Altijd vers je omega 3 in huis


Stel eenvoudig je hoeveelheid en frequentie samen en zit nooit meer zonder verse omega-3 in huis. De omega is dan gegarandeerd niet ouder dan 3 maanden van productie tot consumptie. Je kan het natuurlijk ook los bestellen

Animal Testing

The development and/or manufacture of the product, and where applicable its ingredients, must not involve, or have involved, testing of any sort on animals conducted at the initiative of the company or on its behalf, or by parties over whom the company has effective control.

Genetically Modified Organisms

The development and/or production of genetically modified organisms (GMO) must not have involved animal genes or animal-derived substances. Products put forward for registration which contain or may contain any GMOs must be labelled as such.

Testa Omega-3 supports The International Ocean Foundation

Sea First Animation – The ocean and our health