What Is Algae Oil?

The most well-known sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fish oil and fatty fish, like salmon and tuna. In the past, this has made things a bit challenging for vegans and vegetarians who didn’t know how to incorporate vegan DHA and EPA omega-3s into their diet without consuming animals. That is, until a new lifesaving ingredient became popularized: algae oil!

So, lucky for people following a vegan diet, fish are no longer the only viable source of omega-3s on the market. This powerhouse nutrient can be obtained from a plant-based source as well. But what exactly is algae oil, and how does vegan fish oil differ from fish oil?

Read on to find out!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fats are found in three different forms; alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). In the past, plant-based dieters only had a few ALA sources, and almost zero viable DHA and EPA sources. The good news is, there are now a few more ways vegans and strict vegetarians can incorporate omega-3s into their diet.

Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA)

Most individuals require about 1.6 g of omega-3 ALAs per day.

Various seeds, like flaxseeds, are loaded with healthy omega-3s. One tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains exactly 1.6g of ALA. Better yet, one flaxseed oil supplement, most often taken in liquid form, contains approximately 7g of ALA per tablespoon! A tablespoon of hemp seeds also contains a decent amount, at almost 1 gram of ALA. Finally, a tablespoon of chia seeds provides 1.32g. 

Meanwhile, walnuts are one of the only nuts that contain a significant amount of ALA. A half- ounce serving of walnuts (around 6 walnut halves) contains 1.25 grams of ALA.

Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) & Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

Algae oil supplements are a great way to get EPA & DHA into your diet! Most experts recommend a combined minimum of 250-500 mg of DHA and EPA per day.

The good news is, just one daily Testa algae oil capsule can provide you with 510 mg of omega-3s (325 DHA, 150 EPA, 35 DPA)!

Why Should You Take Algae Omega 3?

If you’re looking for a pure, sustainable, vegan alternative to fish oil, algae is the way to go. Algae oil offers the same benefits as fish oil, without the negative effects on your health and our precious planet. 

Keep reading to discover the main reasons you should include an algae oil supplement in your daily routine!

Heart Health

Both EPA and DHA have been extensively studied for their benefit to cardiovascular health. EPA and DHA can reduce cholesterol levels and plaque build-up. They also lower triglyceride levels, a contributor to body fat, and lower the risk of atherosclerosis; hardening of the arteries. This means that EPA and DHA can reduce your risk of a dangerous cardiac event like a heart attack or stroke.

Brain Health

DHA plays an important role in brain health. Studies have shown that children who take omega-3 supplements (check out Testa’s kid-friendly DHA here) may receive higher scores on cognitive tests of brain function and intelligence. 

DHA and EPA also preserve brain cell health by improving the ability of cells to send signals to one another. One study showed that DHA supplementation can improve cognitive performance in adults. DHA has been shown to reduce mental deterioration later in life.

Eye Health

Omega-3 fatty acids supplements can reduce the risk of macular degeneration, an eye disease that can lead to blindness. One study showed people with a high omega-3 intake were 30% less likely to develop macular degeneration than their peers who had lower levels of fatty acids in their bodies.

Primary Source of Omega-3s

If youve ever eaten, or even just smelled, a piece of seaweed you might have thought Well, thats fishy!” But the truth is, fish are seaweed-y! Fish eat seaweed, thats why they taste and smell like it. Its also the reason why fish are a good source of omega-3s, because algae are chockful of it! So why not go straight to the source and get all your omega-3 goodness from algae?

No Fishy Aftertaste

If you’ve taken fish oil capsules, you may have experienced what many like to call “fishy burps”. Although it’s pretty self-explanatory, this occurs when you take fish oil or eat fish, and are left with a fishy taste in your mouth after burping. Luckily, this side effect is much less common with Testa algae oil supplements than with fish oil capsules!

What To Look For In Your Algae Oil

If you’re browsing for a pure, reliable omega-3 supplement, here are some important points you should keep in mind:

Grown on Land

Its the sad truth that our oceans arent as clean as they used to be. Chemical discharge from factories, raw sewage from treatment systems, and agricultural run-off are just a few examples of marine-poisoning pollutants. The oceans are full of contaminants like heavy metals, dioxins (a byproduct of manufacturing processes), and PCBs (highly carcinogenic chemical compounds). Fish and fish oil supplements contain traces of these harmful toxins as well.

Another problem with algae oil supplements specifically is that some algae, grown in open ponds, may be contaminated with wild algal strains. This is also a problem, as these varieties are often highly toxic.

At Testa, we grow our algae on land, under controlled conditions. This eliminates exposure to both ocean contaminants and wild algal strains. So, you can rest assured that when you take a Testa Algae Oil capsule, youre getting the purest form of omega-3s!

Tested in Small Batches

Did you know Testa algae omega 3 supplements are triple-tested in small batches so you can be sure about their nutritional value, freshness, and purity? 

While fish oil TOTOX (overall oxidation state) levels often exceed safe amounts, our algae oil always boasts a level well below the limit! This means our capsules are ultra-fresh and pure, making them a healthier and higher quality choice for you and your family.

Check your capsules’ purity here!

High Concentration

Our algae oil is produced in a way that increases its levels of DHA and EPA. So, we are able to provide a higher concentration per capsule than many of the most popular fish oil supplements! This means, in just one daily capsule, you’ll get enough bioavailable plant based omega 3 to support your heart, brain, and eye health.

Plant-Based Capsule

If you’re vegan, we understand that avoiding gelatin can be tricky, even when it comes to certain flaxseed or algae oil supplements. However, you can rest assured that Testa algae omega 3 capsules are 100% plant-based and vegan-friendly!

Appropriate DHA:EPA Ratio

When browsing for an omega-3 supplement, we always recommend going for approximately a 2:1 DHA to EPA ratio. That’s why Testa DHA & EPA capsules contain exactly 325 mg of DHA and 150 mg of EPA.

Thanks for reading, and make sure to sign up for our newsletter to receive more info on omega-3s, how to save the oceans, and exclusive discounts!

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