Facts and figures about fish catch

Is 27% of the worldwide fish catch industrially processed to fish oil and meal?
Yes, in fact, of the some 20 million metric tons of fish caught annually around the world for uses other than consuming, 90 percent are fish that are perfectly good to eat, such as sardines, anchovies and herring, a new study finds. About 27 percent of ocean fish caught became fishmeal or fish oil. And most of the fish species were either food-grade (used as food somewhere in the world) or prime-food-grade (widely accepted as food everywhere)

Source: https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/wild-things/most-fish-turned-fishmeal-are-species-we-could-be-eating?mode=topic&context=76

Are there solutions for the enormous amount of fish catch?

Yes there are solutions that are much better and without any ocean footprint. Fish cannot produce Omega-3, they get it from algae. Just like Testa Omega-3 does! And even though the fastest growing Omega-3 market is that of human consumption, the majority still is used as food for our fish and livestock e.g. pigs and chicken. Also for this market there are already solutions with algae.

Do we really need 36 herrings or other oily fish for 60 Omega-3 capsules?
Yes, this amount is indeed  » necessary  » to take Omega-3 oil daily for 2 months.


  • 1 Testa Omega-3 capsule contains 450mg Omega-3, thus 60 capsules contain 27g of Omega-3.
  • 1 herring on the Dutch market weighs on average 68g and contains on average 1.1% extractable Omega-3. Thus 750mg Omega-3 per herring.

If we then divide the 27g of Omega-3 of 1 Testa Omega-3 supplement by 750mg of 1 herring one can see that 36 herrings are used.

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