Seaspiracy – a horror film in blue

After watching Ali Tabrizi, Lucy Tabrizi, and Kip Anderson’s Netflix documentary ‘Seaspiracy’, one message becomes blatantly clear— a message Testa has been advocating for since its inception.


The biggest threat to our oceans is not single-use plastics, not commercial whale hunting, or the shark finning industry. The biggest threat to our oceans is the fishing industry.

It’s simple, really. Not only overfishing, which unbalances the entire ecosystem with disastrous consequences for people and the planet, threatens our oceans. It’s also their waste. Fishing nets make up 46% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Add the other waste materials of the fishing industry, and the majority of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch becomes a byproduct of the fishing industry. But what do plastic campaigns mainly talk about? Banning single-use plastics.


If the oceans die, we die. 

Make no mistake— single-use plastics are a real threat to oceans. So is the whaling industry. Dolphins that die as bycatch of the fishing industry is a real threat as well. If the whales and dolphins die, the ocean dies. If the ocean dies, who’s next in line? Us. 

It is important to recognize that the issues being addressed with regards to conserving the ocean, such as cleaning up our oceans, the ban of single-use plastics and commercial whaling are issues worth talking about it. The problem however is that the detrimental effects of the fishing industry are left out of the narrative. 

The fishing industry— all the depletion, none of the blame.

The fishing industry is responsible for the depletion of marine life and is intrinsically a major factor contributing to climate change. At the rate with which exhaustion of aquatic beings is taking place, by 2048, there will be no fishing industry, as there will be no fish left to catch.

We can’t let that happen. Marine animals and plants play a critical role in ensuring that carbon doesn’t reach the atmosphere, making the ocean the biggest carbon sink on the planet. The ocean’s climate role is massive. We must protect it. 

The time for action is now.

How do we do this? The documentary debunks the myth of “sustainable seafood”. There can be no guarantee that the seafood we consume is sustainable, regardless of any label that comes with the product. The team also disproves the concept of sustainable fishing, calling the popular, “sustainable” method of fish farming just wild fishing in disguise. The human and animal rights violations that are a direct result of the mass exploitation prevalent in the fishing industry can only be defined as gruesome. 

The answer is simple— stop eating fish. Fishes are sentient beings that experience pain the same way humans do. If you stopped eating seafood, the only things you’d be missing out on is toxins, because the aquatic food chain is the most concentrated source of industrial pollution that exists. 

Omega-3 fatty acids are important, but they don’t come from fish.

The popular misconception is that missing out on seafood means you miss out on essential Omega-3 fatty acids, but fish don’t produce omega-3 fatty acids, algae do. Fish is the middleman, one who’s consumption we can and must eliminate completely.

Testa Omega 3 is produced from algae that are contained on land in high-quality conditions. Read more about it on our website. 



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Seaspiracy – Know your oceans and what is happening to them!

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