Vegan in January

Try vegan this January – The Veganuary foundation has been making this appeal for a number of years. Thousands of people have already taken up the challenge. So did Menno and Willemijn from our marketing team. Even though we don’t eat fish as a matter of principle, it doesn’t mean we are all vegan. Everyone has their own reasons… but the most important excuses have been tackled by this awareness campaign. Awareness campaigns do work.

“Cooking vegan is difficult”

The main reason for Willemijn to participate was to find variety in vegan cooking. She has been eating vegetarian for years, but cooking without cheese or eggs makes it even more difficult “I love cheese. For me, it is the perfect seasoning in food. And with eggs, I can get variety in the protein source. I know there is a lot of animal suffering in the dairy industry, so it’s time to break those barriers”.

“Know what you eat”

Menno has been eating vegetarian and mostly vegan for some time now. He is participating in the challenge to increase his awareness of nutrition. “How often do you look at the labels of a product? I don’t really pay much attention, I buy most things out of habit. This month, for example, I cooked noodles ‘out of habit’. And then become aware that it contains eggs. There is so much to learn about the content of our food.

Cheese is most missed

Both indicate that they particularly miss the cheese sandwich, whether or not in the form of a toasted sandwich, or those French cheeses on the drinks board. “Despite the lack of cheese, I have to admit that it wasn’t that bad. With the inspiration of the platform and cookery books from my own cupboard, I managed to eat vegan for a whole month. It’s really a matter of getting used to the way I cook. Just like when I made the switch to vegetarian food,” says Willemijn.

Good nutrients

Veganuary provides lots of facts about plant-based eating and a load of recipes to make the switch to vegan as easy as possible. Of course, we add your dose of plant-based omega-3s, so you can easily skip the fish from your diet. Subscribe, save 20% and be sure you’re getting the right nutrients.

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Omega-3 is good for your heart, brain and eyes. To reach your daily recommended quantity without any worries, take out a subscription. That way, you can be sure that you are always taking fresh algae oil. Go to the shop and choose the quantity and frequency that suits you. Of course, you can also order separately.

Fish Free February: will you join us?

Krill Oil vs Omega-3 from Algae Oil: Exploring the Differences